Many of the children enrolled in our preschool classrooms are very independent in their bathroom needs. However, you do not need to be toilet trained to attend a BVSD preschool. Children are encouraged to use the bathrooms throughout the day as needed and during scheduled bathroom breaks. Teachers monitor healthy bathroom habits such as flushing and hand washing. Many children are in various stages of toilet training including diaper use. Diaper changing takes place in a manner that meets health and safety guidelines. When toilet accidents that require a change of clothing happen, children are assisted to change into dry clothing. Soiled clothing is placed in a plastic bag to take home. If your child comes home in borrowed clothing, we ask that you wash and return the clothes as soon as possible. Families are asked to supply diapers and wipes. Please discuss a system for supplying a change of clothing, diapers and wipes with your child’s teacher if needed. If a child is not toilet trained, the preschool staff will do the following to support toilet training transitions from home to school:
1. Develop a schedule with the parent/guardian.
2. Give multiple opportunities during a preschool session to use the bathroom and develop toileting routines.
3. Do not wait for children to tell you they need to use the bathroom. Give reminders to go on a “toilet trip”.
4. Develop a visual schedule for children learning to use the bathroom independently.
Toilet Training Info Sheet (English)
Toilet Training Info Sheet (Spanish)